
Jul 7, 2015

Power of Influence & its Impact on Decision Making

Whom we choose to believe are better than us, in some way or in all ways are the ones whom we allow to influence us.

Now, what happens when we have a wrong perception of someone's abilities and competency. Being judgemental in a wrong way is the first mistake in the process of choosing an influencer. The guy seated next to your cabin might be a Tier 1 Alumnus. So what? He/She could still not be a great source of reference, just with a great label. Being careful while framing perceptions of people whom we interact with is a great milestone. Because, failure of this step will make you choose a wrong Influencer and thereby, direct you to a wrong path.

Choosing a mentor and sticking to that mentor for a longer span is much better. Because, the longer the relationship, the brighter the understanding of the needs and capabilities. Of course, we can choose to have different mentors for different aspects viz., career, life & relationship, personal finance. But sticking to one mentor in each field for a longer way has bright prospects. And during the course of a relationship with your mentor, play it professionally. In this way, we are not carried away with allowing random people to influence our decisions.

It is easily evident from observation that choosing a wrong source as an Influencer is leading to career mistakes, where people are moving in a wrong direction from their actual goals, desires & targets. 

I would like to invite Researchers to check the correlation significance and expand the above thoughts. 

Such is the impact of allowing a wrong source of influence, taking you a downward journey, while you're intending an upward progress.

Have you come across such an instance or do you recall an experience of yourself? Reply in the comments section.

Karthik Vengatesan

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